Food as Medicine

January 9th, 2019

Everytime we eat, we send a message to our body. What would you like to say to yours?

Food contains information that speaks to our DNA, switching on or off genes that lead to health or disease. The exciting field of Nutrigenomics is discovering that phytonutrients (the special molecules found in plants that aren’t calories, protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamins or minerals) talk to our genes, controlling our metabolism from moment to moment and day to day. Where are these phytonutrients found in plants?  In the COLOURS! So it’s vital that we ‘Eat the Rainbow’ – the more colours you can get into your diet from plants, the better. We all know that we should be eating our ‘5 a day’ and this is one of the most powerful arguments for doing so. And don’t just leave it until your evening meal to get those fruit and veg in – try to make them a focus of every meal – the more the merrier!

Everytime you pick up your fork, you have the chance to heal your body – choose wisely!


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